Our Partners

Our Services include:

  • Three freshly cooked meals each day.

  • Frequent room cleaning.

  • Weekly Activity Program.

  • Seasonal Monthly Menus guided by Resident choice and feedback.

  • Care Plan developed in consultation with the Registered Nurse.

  • Assistance with showering, bathing, dressing and personal care.

  • Specialised nursing care.

  • Access to 24hr My ED Doctor services.

  • Assistance to organise transport for specialist appointments.


  • Established garden facilities, including a dementia specific pathway.

  • Kitchenette for Consumers and family members to access.

  • 24 hour emergency call button in each unit.

  • Laundry facilities.

  • Outdoor sitting area.


Prior to admission, an Aged Care Assessment Team (ACAT) must assess all potential Residents to determine the level of care. Priority of admission is determined by level of care that each potential Residents requires.

We realise that the decision to come into residential care is not an easy one. All staff memeber to make a Resident’s transition as easy as possible. Upon admission, the Registered Nurse will discuss your needs with you and a Care Plan will be developed. A Care Plan identifies specific needs that inform staff and enable them to provide the best level of care. This Care Plan is reviewed frequently and modifications made with the Consumers input.

On admission, you will be asked your choice of preferred Doctor to attend to your health needs whilst you are at Murravale.

Families or representatives may be asked to assist with transport for specialist appointments as required, however Murravale has the ability to arranage and provide some transport options that may incur an additional cost.  Staff may at times request that a Consumer see a Doctor.  This will be arranged in-house and families notified. Please note that in an emergency situation, a My ED Doctor’s consult may be used or the Consumer will be transferred to hospital by ambulance.

Nursing and Personal Care

Murravale is staffed 24 hours a day with access to a Registered Nurse.  Care is delivered with our Resident’s individual needs and preferences at the forefront. 

After admission the Registered Nurse will work with the Consumer to develop a Care Plan.  The Care Plan identifies the individual needs of the Resident which will inform the way in which assistance is provided. Care Plans are reviewed regularly to reflect the Resident’s ongoing needs.

The Care Plan assessment is comprehensive plan of how to provide the best care for each Resident, including topics such as sleep, food preferences and lifestyle preferences.  They can take several days to finalise. The information provided in the Resident’s Lifestyle Assessment will be compiled by the Activities Officer and used to tailor appropriate activities for the Residents.