
Murravale currently has 25 single units with ensuites, including 4 sets of adjoining units with in-room connecting doors for couples. Each individual unit and the shared areas have been planned to support your lifestyle.

Each individual unit has been designed to maintain independence and privacy and has a bedroom/sitting room and ensuite bathroom.

Share facilities at Murravale include:

  • Dining Room

  • Outdoor Garden

  • Lounge Room

  • Libary

  • Pergola BBQ Area

  • Activity/Craft/Meeting Area

Murravale Retirement Home is located at 6-10 Haydon Street, Murrurundi NSW. We are just two blocks from the shopping centre and close to the main street, railway station, churches and clubs. Vacancies can occur at anytime throughout the year, and we invite you to contact us for more information and accommodation availability.

Setting Up Your Room
Residents are welcome to set up their room as they wish with personal items such as bedside table, chairs pictures and ornaments. Each room has an electric bed and a built-in wardrobe with space available for clothing.

Residents are welcome to have a landline connected to their room. This will need to be organized by Telstra and paid for by the Consumer. A phone in the main office is available for incoming calls, however should you need to contact family please see staff.

Incoming mail is delivered to residents. Outgoing mail may be left at the office for posting. Arrangements can be made for you to receive your own papers and magazines; the newsagent will issue a monthly account directly to our residents.

All clothing should be clearly marked with first and last name. Clothing is laundered on site on a regular basis. Whilst in Hospital, families may arrange for laundry to continue to be done at Murravale.

Visitors are encouraged to visit at any time.

  • In some special cases a fold up bed can be arranged for a relative to stay overnight.

  • The residents wishes as to who visits them must be adhered to.

  • Visitors must not enter an unoccupied residents room.

  • Please notify the staff before taking a resident out of the facility (Sign Consumers Sign In and Out Register)– this is in case of an emergency.

Visiting Pets
Visiting pets are welcome. Murravale does have a resident cat ‘Trevor’. Please check at the front desk before entering with your pet.


To ensure that Consumers receive correct medications Murravale utilises the Webster Pack System for all Consumers. Murrurundi Pharmacy supplies and provides changes to medication for this system and places the medications into the Webster Packs.

Activities and mixing with the local community

Murravale has an Activities Coordinator who runs a regular activity program with a variety of activities and trips to interest all. Consumers are encouraged to participate in activities if they wish. Monthly outings may attract a small fee to cover transport and meal costs.

Murravale encourages Consumers to maintain their community links by continuing to attend meetings and club activities. Consumers may be required to meet transport costs to and from.

List of Activities and Services

  • Outings/BBQs

  • Hairdresser

  • Religious services – weekly

  • Crafts

  • Entertainers

  • Visits to/from local schools

  • Library

  • Videos

  • Bingo

  • Exercise Program

Suggestions for additional activities are welcome.

Emotional Support

If at any time Consumers would like to access the services of a counselor this can be arranged.  Please notify the Registered Nurse or Operational Manager.